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Captain Amrinder singh remembering his mother Rajmata Mohinder Kaur, shared an old memory on her third death anniversary

Third Death anniversary of Late Rajmata Mohinder Kaur, Cm Punjab Captain Amrinder singh while remembering his mother on her anniversary has shared an old memory picture our social media account. Capt Amarinder writes, my late mother has been a great source of inspiration since childhood. I vividly recall the work she did for the Punjabi refugees during Partition. Today on her death anniversary, I remember her for all her unconditional love and the values she instilled in me.
captain amrinder and rajmata
Rajmata Mohinder Kaur, she was born in Ludhiana, undivided Punjab as Mohinder Kaur Shergill, 14 September 1922, daughter of Sardar Harchand Singh Jaijee (Shergill), a nobleman of Patiala State and a member of the Patiala Riyasat Prajya Mandal (Patiala State Peoples’ Forum an affiliate of the Indian National Congress party). In August 1938, at age 16, she was married to the Maharaja of Patiala Yadavindra Singh, the ruling Maharaja of Patiala. A former Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha member, Rajmata was actively involved in various political, social and other philanthropic activities.
rajmaat patiyala
Rajmata Mohinder Kaur, was Rajya Sabha member from 1964 to 1967. In 1967, she was elected to the Lok Sabha from Patiala. She served a full 6-year term (1978–84) in the upper house and then withdrew from public life. In her retirement, Rajmata maintained the charitable traditions of her family and remained assiduous in matters of tradition and religious observance. She often granted audience to ladies from Patiala State until advanced age and ill-health prevented exertion. Her piety, austerity and charity made her a cultural icon in Patiala. In later life, she resided in New Moti Bagh Palace, Patiala, before her death on 24 July 2017.


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